Simulaids 12- Lead Arrhythmia Simulator with Manikin Overlay

Vendor direct - Longer lead times may apply

Use on any medium- or large-sized manikin or simulator to change it into a 12-lead trainer. Pace and defibrillate directly on the overlay system connected to the interactive 12-lead ECG simulator, included with the overlay.

Compatible Only with the Following ECG Machines (not included):

  • ZOLL® Arrhythmia Simulator: SB33608U
  • Physio Medtronic and Marquette Quick Combo: SB33609U
  • HeartStart/Philips with Late VF Waveform: SB47353U
  • Philips: SB37728U
  • MRL, Welch Allyn R2: SB37729U

Users will have to connect this product to their own heart monitors, defibrillators, or ECG machines. No monitors are included with this product.


  • The simulator capture key is used to select one of four preset pacing capture levels:70,80,90, or 100mA.
  • When the pacer current is greater than the selected capture level, paced beats will appear on the monitor.
  • Waveforms for pacing include:

    • Sinus Brady (two)
    • 1st degree A-V block
    • 2nd degree type I A-V block
    • 2nd degree type II A-V block
    • 2nd degree type II A-V block with PVCs
    • 3rd degree A-V block.
  • Simulate cardioversion with a manual, semiautomatic, or automatic defibrillator.
  • Waveforms for defibrillator training include:

    • V. Fib, V. Tach (high rate)
    • V. Tach (low rate)
    • Torsade
    • A. Fib
    • A. Flutter
    • zPSVT
    • Sinus Tach
    • Sinus rhythm
    • Sinus rhythm with PVCs
    • Asystole.
    • Generate ST segment and T wave of abnormalities, including: Anterior MI, Inferior MI, Antero-Septal ST elevation, Anterior ST depression, Lateral ST elevation, and Inferior ST elevation.
  • LEDs indicate: pacer pulse detection, defib discharge detection, and low battery.
More Information
Part Number 11-81-0112
Country of Origin US
UNSPSC Category 60106208
Harmonization Code 9023.00.0000
Mfg# 101-12-001L
Old Item 11-81-0112N
Warranty 3 Year Limited Warranty
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